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Winter 2016-17
Lane Ashfeldt Surface of the deep
Why should it matter who did what when? [short story]
Eoin Butler Twenty bucks to Alabama
A road trip in the Dirty South [personal history]
Miriam Darlington Owl sense
Observing the barn owl as its habitats retreat [essay]
Adrian Duncan Trusses
A visit to the widow of an old friend [short story]
Arnold Thomas Fanning Rough sleeper
On being mentally ill and homeless in London [personal history]
Robert Murphy Green and gold
A family excursion to the seaside [short story]
Nathan O’Donnell All materials of value have been removed
Salford in winter [personal history]
Lucy Sweeney Byrne Foley and the wolf
In the middle of a health scare, a young woman goes housesitting [short story]
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